Friday, 7 November 2014

2. Action- Align With Courage

Red Hot Yogis, this is part 2 of our discussion xx

Hatha Yoga Pradipika 1.16 
The following six bring speedy success:-- Courage, daring, perseverance, discriminative knowledge, faith, aloofness from company

Yoga Sutra of Patanjali 2.46
sthira sukham asanam
Practicing yoga with strength and in a relaxed manner gives rise to harmony with the physical body (asana)

I get questioned sometimes,

"why is it so hard. i thought yoga was relaxing"

Well... there are many types of practice out there and I think it is good to know why. Why you are taking the challenging approach and why you are taking the soft, relaxing approach. What is it that you are ultimately working towards. And to be honest, whatever your answer is, both approaches will provide the same outcome. 

I have always leaned towards the challenging practices. Maybe this is because by nature I am more athletic and a bit A-type in personality, so this practice appeals to me. Many have told me that because of my personality, I should choose a softer practice. I tried it, and to be honest, I feel they give me the same outcome so i choose the practice that I enjoy the most.

A challenging practice is so powerful. Through the years, it has informed me of what I am capable of. Not just what my body is capable of- your body, it is capable of doing incredible things if you are committed to your practice. But what I mean is that, the practice keeps revealing a strength that is not something new that has to be acquired, but something available that can be awakened. At times when I have been most insecure, my practice would remind me, over and over of my capabilities to stay focused, and grounded and clear. It does this by revealing my tenacious spirit.

But equally, this practice has tamed my ego and kept it real! It fiercely reminds me that I cannot rule the world (or master every pose) It has revealed my tendencies and shined them so brightly that I could not ignore them (i have lazy qualities, perfectionism, stubbornness, etc- all the usual stuff everyone has to deal with on some level) It consistently reveals my fears and encourages me to deal with them. 

But don't just take my word for it. The two texts commonly used by yoga schools prescribe it for Hatha Yoga. Ha-tha actually also means willfully or with force. Strangely, this definition is seldom heard. Yes, it means sun-moon also. Sun, the quality of fire, strength, moon the quality of water, softness. I love the yoga sutra verse sthira sukham asanam. It says, yoga practice should be practiced with strength, but it should be comfortable, easeful, joyful, some definitions even say happy!

Ultimately, what you choose has to work for you. Practice mindfully. When you practice, you are feeding your cells with information. Your body is like a super computer. It remembers everything. But it is also good at letting go of those things that no longer serves you so do not be afraid of the 'bad practice'. It is equally important to have days when it sucks! All this information, from doing the physical asana, to the thoughts and feelings that arise during practice, is stored in your cells and feeds your daily life. So feed it well! Challenge your boundaries with patience and respect for your body and your spirit. 

Thank you for reading!

Tuesday, 4 November 2014

1. Matrika Shakti- The Power of Words

for Friday night practitioners at Red Hot Yoga, this is part 1 of 4

“Watch your thoughts, for they become words. Watch your words, for they become actions. Watch your actions, for they become habits. Watch your habits, for they become character. Watch your character, for it becomes your destiny.”  ~Upanishads

Words have power. In Sanskrit, this power is 'Matrika shakti', the creative energy behind the letters that make up the words. It is said that each Sanskrit letter has a sound vibration that resonates in our subtle energetic body and in the cosmos . This corresponds with what science tells us, that everything vibrates, including the cells in our body. These vibrations can lead to thoughts, which may lead to feelings which may manifest through words and actions. 

Words can be those we receive from others as well as those we receive from ourselves, through verbalisation or thoughts. Words are like seeds that we plant, that will influence the quality of our mental wellbeing. Our inner thoughts form a big part of Matrika Shakti. We are usually our worst judge. Throughout the day, we probably criticise ourselves without even being aware of it! And we say things to ourselves that we would never say even to our enemies! This energy (shakti) resides in our body and when can manifest as thoughts, feelings or actions. So in other words, our thoughts may create an outcome that you may not desire. 

Yoga asana and meditation practice is a great mode to help us realize this and cultivate kinder, softer, non judgemental internal (or verbal) dialogue. The more we practice watching this, the more mindful we will become of our thoughts and our words. When we begin to create more peace and love and kindness within ourselves, we also create more peace, love and kindness around us. Remember, our vibration is powerful. It does not just affect us. Words are not needed for someone to feel our anger, pain, frustration, or our love and kindness. I remember the first time I encountered a Rinpoche. I was a child. My whole being felt so incredible expansive, just from a distant encounter, that I remember that feeling even now. 

Yoga asana practice can be our great teacher if we allow it to be. By this, i mean to practice mindfully. Move slowly, feel everything and expand the range of your feelings as your body opens. Hear what your body and thoughts are feeding back to you and take time to digest* your practice, so that you can practice letting go of all those things that you hold on to that no longer serves any purpose -fear, anger, limitations, habits... these are useful sometimes but we have to be aware when they are and when they are not..

And remember, it takes time. I often have to be reminded of this myself. 
It is a practice, and like all practices, we will have great moments and crap moments 
All equally important & really, there is no bad practice, all is practice :-)

i am grateful to Jaye Martin for telling me the story of Matrika Shakti. It sent me into one of my favourite exploration of Hindu mythology and yoga philosophy 


* shavasana
i see more and more that shavasana is like an obligatory rest
shavasana is a yoga pose and should be practiced with the same tenancity
When you are doing your practice, it is like... you are cooking a grand meal 
And at the end of the practice, the meal is ready- this is shavasana
missing it is like missing the taste of the meal you've just cooked
enjoy shavasana!