Tuesday, 29 November 2016

Vinyasa Bliss


Yoga asana practice is very much a moving meditation. It is a way to connect to that stillness within that yogis call bliss- the state from which life originated, that is within each and every one of us. Just as there are many layers in our thoughts, so too are there many layers of experiencing our body. In my experience, piercing through these later of experience begin to connect you to an awareness within where the lines begin to blur as to whether you are still experiencing something physical, something conscious or something more- like energy perhaps, or prana, your life force? Call it what you like, this place is a place of blissful awareness.

Adding the vinyasa element to your practice can help you connect to your practice in this way.  One of the meanings of vinyasa is ‘to consciously place in a special way’. It is a practice of mindfulness that can be honed using various “tools”. Where, how, when to place the eyes, ears, thoughts, breath, body or how to hold your space, your attention, your calibration, when things gets interesting.

It is not so much about making shapes – although there is nothing wrong with this as this is part of experiencing the layers of the body, but it is about experiencing how the breath, body, mind, takes you there and what happens when you are there, sitting in that energetic space. As we move through the layers of experience, more possibilities begin to open up. It is an endless field of feeling!  Each posture is a mudra, with its own energetic connotation. This is also there is an excitement about meeting challenging postures; finding new physical, mental and energetic connection through them. 

But there are krama's. These are steps. And our entire practice should also follow the krama's- only taking more when we are ready, when it is time.   
When you have connected to your energy in this “special” way, you tap into your fluid strength. This is a place where effort begins to look effortless, where strength feels light, power feels soft and you feel like you are tapped into a boundless supply of energy.

When you practice in this way, you are always practicing, even when we step off your mat. It becomes a part of your consciousness. A way to twist & turn & adjust with your space, so that there are less moments of feeling stuck, on and off your mat.

I am positively nuts about vinyasa. It's roots, its philosophy, it's gifts & it's complete encompassment of everything in life! I'd like to think that I live my life through vinyasa! I am so thrilled to be sharing this passion soon! I have been incredibly lucky to have studied with some amazing teachers who have shared their passion for this practice especially Shiva Rea, Simon Park, Claire Missingham, Sianna Shermann & Jivamukti yoga teachers. I feel the calling now to do the same. I was asked to describe, why study this with me? I can only say its a personal choice. On my part, i will keep the group small enough that you will not feel lost in the group ever. You will always have direct contact with me for your questions, whether in person or by email. I do not take this responsibility lightly and will pour my heart into offering you everything i have ever accumulated in my 20 years of study. I hope to meet you on the path 

Sunday, 6 November 2016

Mentoring Giants

Staring at my page blankly.
A deluge of things I want to say..
My entire being is overflowing with gratitude
and is rendering me speechless.
Can't believe two months of my first mentoring program has passed.
Having previously mentored on TT programs, this was so different as nobody had to follow any program & our work just unfolded organically. It was personal & intimate. The group supported each other as much as I did them. I am so thankful to have been given this trust and this privilege to be a part of these guys' teaching path. To be given the space to share openly, truthfully with no fluff. These guys are amazing teachers supporting amazing students. There are really no words to describe what I was privileged to have witnessed. Only that I am so proud to be a part of the profession with these guys.. 

You have to be there to see it to understand it :- the connection between teacher and clients, the words shared with such sincere purpose, the attention to detail, the willingness to try something new. Some of these words sound like yoga cliche but this IS a yoga teacher's world. I have taken so much away from this myself.  

Honestly, it was not all easy. I had to stop a few times to question myself. If i am on the receiving end, would i want to hear this, how much do i want to hear or can bear to hear. It's not brutal, just brutally honest at times. But the most "brutal" of my teachers were the ones who had nourished me the most. And the kindest, most fun of my mentors had a way of being equally honest and raw with their feedback & these have always been food for growth. "No mud no lotus" I feel these guys are out there to keep the teaching tradition strong. After all, yoga practice is a lot about discipline and discipline is not easy. We don't need organizations setting us standards, we just have to uphold our responsibility. 

I feel that my goals for the group had been achieved, actually over and above what i had set out to do because the group put so much work into this collectively and individually. I am looking forward to my next group as so much of the program has evolved in this short time. Ultimately, i hope to build a small community of teachers that will continue to meet, support and learn from each other. Sharing their knowledge as a friend and peer. And i am looking forward to be a part of this group too. 

Link to my website for mentoring program here