Tuesday, 26 November 2013

beginners mind

We had someone new joining us in our little intimate late session last night. She was not new to yoga but new to class as she has been practicing through DVD's at home. We played with a few vinyasa krama's, getting into Bakasana, Salamba Sirsasana 2 (tripod headstand) and Urdhva Dhanurasana. After trying each pose, she would look up, wide eyed and say 'wow!!'
It wasn't a "wow, that pose is great" but more a "wow, I am fab! I can still do that!"
We have all been there- 
when we realise we could still do something- or do it at all.
If only we continue to remember how 'wow' we are, long after those things become 'easy' or 'normal' to us.

Remember, you are 'wow'! 

Friday, 22 November 2013

Latest Class News

December News

last one for 2013

dear friends,

The energy has been explosive at the studio and it has been a joy and a privilege to have been a part of your practice. Your practice has been so inspiring and keeps my own practice, both physical and mental, incredibly motivated. I also feel such deep gratitude to be allowed to share these times with you because I know myself, how personal practice can be; a time when you are working through your battles, internally, or externally. I understand how vulnerable it can feel at times. It is really a "big" thing for me to be allowed to be a part of all that and I thank you from my heart for this trust.

Thank you for another amazing year!

Keep playing & live life fully


Closing / Opening

My last class for 2013 will run on the 6th December. I will be run a list round for cover classes for the two weeks in December and will update everyone on whether there will be class cover or not before i leave. You can check on my website for updates or facebook group.

Classes will resume on the 6th January 2014

Yoga Gives Back & Kirtan

The third Yoga Gives Back event will be running on the 30th November at the studio. The class will run from 15:00 - 16:30 and cost £10, all of which will go towards the charity, Yoga Gives Back. Please let me know if you are able to come along as at the moment, only a handful of people have responded.

Following the class will be a kirtan lead by Lou & I, to welcome Lou's little Lila to the kula and also as a little closing for the year. This will run from 17:00 and all are welcome to join us! Kids too!

Yoga Gives Back link here or check it out on my website

5 Day Immersion 

The 5 morning immersion will be running from the 2nd - 6th December. We will begin each morning at 06:45 and it is recommended that you stay till 07:45 at least. Otherwise, we run till 08:00. There are a few spaces left if you would like to join in.
This year the immersion will be about sequencing for your practice. Immersions are a way to help you develop your home practice and is open to everyone except complete beginners.  No drop in's so please email to book a space if you would like to come along.


Here are some dates for your 2014 calendar if you are thinking about workshops or holidays next year:

4th January

Opening class- Sankalpa
10:00 - 12:00

16th February

Forrest Yoga Workshop with Jambo Truong
10:00-12:00 and 14:00-16:30
(book early to avoid disappointment)

12th - 17th May

Bali Yoga Holiday

1st - 3rd August (tbc)

Camping Yoga Weekend in North Norfolk
more like glamping - limited spaces

14th - 16th November

Autumn Spa & Retreat, Sweden

Please check for update on the website here

Last but not least, I wish you and your family, a Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year.
May all beings have a peaceful and joyful year.
May all beings everywhere be happy and free.