Saturday, 3 December 2016

Ignite The Warrior

Sankalpa is the yoga practice of focusing your mind and energy to fulfil your heartfelt desires (or dharma) It is similar to the new year's resolution except that it starts from the assumption that you already are who you need to be to fulfil this. One of my teachers, Rod Stryker (Para Yoga founder) explains that the main influencer of life is the mind. So to create the life you are meant to live or want to live, you must draw the mind again and again to your clear and deepest intentions and sankalpa does this for us.

'Kalpa' means vow - "the rule above all other rules"
"San" is the connection to the highest truth
So sankalpa can be said to be the commitment you make to support your highest truth. Sankalpa is a statement that helps us align to our intentions. A statement we can repeat to help us remember- draw our minds again and again to our purpose and intention. It helps us align our decisions because every choice is an opportunity to strengthen the energy of our resolve.

Igniting the warrior is my personal practice of sankalpa. It is how I interweave sankalpa into my practice and how my practice supports my sankalpa. Like all practices, it took many unsuccessful sankalpa attempts before I even managed to really fulfil one and quite frankly, I am not always successful at it even today but it is important to keep trying and keep reaching for these milestone steps. Although sankalpa is supposed to be practiced during yoga nidra, I have found that incorporating it in my other practices have tremendously helped me achieve them. 

I will be sharing this workshop once a year in January. During the workshop, we will discuss about setting sankalpa, weaving it into your practice, the use of mudras and mantras to support you and also meditation and yoga nidra. Please bring a notebook / paper and pen. I look forward to share this with you

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