Last week, amidst my fuzzy head, a small teaching related "issue" came up. It was not something uncomfortable but it occupied my mind all day because in a recent survey I had conducted, a similar comment was raised. At the end of the day, I began to write something to address everyone and consulted with a friend who teaches in a similar capacity. Let's refer to my friend as the zen mouse. I am sure there will be many teachings from him in the future on my blog. He is so wise but so humble, I thought of the symbolic story of the mouse that Ganesh sits on; hence, the zen mouse...
He reminded me...
"....we teach with ourselves as a tool. We open up and let it just be there, so in some ways it is personal. The teaching and the meeting is personal- but it is not the same as being close personal friends with everyone"
This is especially true when it is a small shala and a small town / city where we actually have the opportunity to get to know each other. I am really grateful for this, because I am not so sure I would be so deeply engaged in a large studio or city where I am unfamiliar with most of the people who walk in. It is not that I will share any less, but the conversations would not be the same. Over the years, some of my clients have also gone on to become my friends, regardless of whether they are still in class or not.
However, the challenge arises when there is some degree of familiarity, because expectation starts to grow. We become a little more sensitive - just like we are with family members, because we are comfortable with it. And in a way, this is quite sweet.
I hope you all know that when you stop coming to class, it does not go unnoticed. I notice all of you. But I am very aware that nothing is permanent and do not expect you to be in class forever. I am comfortable with change and welcome it. I will seldom contact you to check on you unless I know you have been ill and want to know if things are o.k. The space is there for you to come and go as you please and you never have to explain anything (unless you wish to) and please, never feel obliged to, and never feel awkward about something like that.
However, if I have hurt you in any way, by doing or not doing something that was expected or unexpected, then I sincerely offer my apologies. I try give my time and space as fairly as possible but at times, just as with life, what I want does not equate what happens or what translates. I live another day to learn :-) Namaste
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