Wednesday 16 October 2013

super strength

Every time I stop to hear someone's story, it touches me so deeply how strong some of us have to be in life. Super strength is in fact, human strength. the strength of the heart and soul. 

One theme run throughout these stories though...
We all have our battles, great and small but we also all have our victories, great & small. Our yoga practice illuminates this each time we step onto our mats. We come with expectations, struggles, insecurities, love for our body, hate for our body, envy, admiration, ego, humbleness, hope, fears.... All of life's battle in one practice :-) My practice reminds me every time, to notice and celebrate each little victory; as i feel my body in a new way, find a pose in a new way, defeat a defeating thought or feel a pose for the first time! And it also shows me how each "rubbish" practice (or each "battle" lost) just reveals to me more strength, more determination and more wisdom to try again with sturdy equanimity. It has definitely taught me to notice the finer details of life- not just see a moment as having won or lost, but as many little processes, all victorious! 

That is not to say that I live each day victoriously! Haha! Don't i wish?! But learning to be mindful moment to moment, and not beating myself up when i loose the plot, has definitely been the greatest gift of yoga. I hope you find your gifts too. 

I salut you all super humans! For your resilience, your tenacity and your spirit. 

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