Tuesday 26 November 2013

beginners mind

We had someone new joining us in our little intimate late session last night. She was not new to yoga but new to class as she has been practicing through DVD's at home. We played with a few vinyasa krama's, getting into Bakasana, Salamba Sirsasana 2 (tripod headstand) and Urdhva Dhanurasana. After trying each pose, she would look up, wide eyed and say 'wow!!'
It wasn't a "wow, that pose is great" but more a "wow, I am fab! I can still do that!"
We have all been there- 
when we realise we could still do something- or do it at all.
If only we continue to remember how 'wow' we are, long after those things become 'easy' or 'normal' to us.

Remember, you are 'wow'! 

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